"Para-language" was designed to follow "Fundamental Body Language."
It focuses on the psychological body language indicators exhibited during stress. While "Fundamental Body Language" explores how the body works during stress, "Paralanguage" explores how the mind works during stress and the body language indications present.
The overwhelming theme of "Para-language" is enhancing the audience's ability to predict deception. Lies create stress and stress can be covertly observed. "Para-language" covers the psychological process of truth telling vs. lying, facial expressions, hand gestures, posturing, eye movements, and more.
"Para-language" is considered to precede "Express Interrogation." It allows the investigator or observer to understand why a person chooses certain words, postures, or physical expressions. Understanding the meaning or motivation behind paralanguage indicators can give an investigator or negotiator a psychologically strategic advantage during an interview, contact, or meeting.
This class has been presented several times at a California State Peace Officer Academy, as well as during State Peace Officer "in-service" training events, and to several levels of governmental and private organizations.
It is very different from "Fundamental Body Language" in that the material is not violent. This presentation is "light-hearted" and entertaining while being very informative.
This seminar can be presented in the popular 4 hour format or the more detailed 8 hour format. Combine the 4 hour format of this seminar with the 4 hour "Fundamental Body Language" seminar for a fast paced, exciting day of training.