Impulse Control:
Using Cued De-escalation
When people make emotional decisions, the answers will often be wrong. This is because when the body and brain are physiologically charged, the brain no longer primarily uses the same functions as when you are relaxed.
As you read this seminar description, you are likely relaxed. But if you were upset or experiencing a distracting stimulus and your brain began to move into an instinctive and emotional state, merely reading this web page could become very difficult.
Now imagine you are a police officer... you are trained and expected to make the right decisions in the field to keep the public safe and to maintain the trust of the public. But, circumstances can often cause officers to become very stimulated. When this happens, bad decisions happen.
Imagine similar cognitive scenarios for soldiers, EMS workers, nurses, doctors, firefighters, corporate executives, and virtually every other career field... If the professional has 15 years of experience in the job, they may have seen enough scenarios to become stress inoculated to many combinations of scenarios. But what if it's their first year in the profession and they are in a situation without the support of a senior professional?
In the first decade of a professional's career, one simple mistake made under stress can cost them their job. For a police officer, it could cost them their career or their livelihood.
A mistake caused by bad decision making under stress could result in the loss of an entire department's trust with the public or it could lead to riots and violence.
CBLTAC's "Impulse Control" is not just for police. It is for everyone...
We will teach you the mechanisms of autonomic body functions and how to control them, prediction training and cognitive inventory, "A/B" scenarios to force stress inoculation, how to debrief events and self correct, practical stress models to deal with post event stress, and rapport skills once self control is maintained.
"Impulse Control" is the most exciting seminar we have developed yet.
In an age where everyone has a video camera, and one event (justified or not) can literally cause a viral, world wide response, "Impulse Control" WILL be questioned and will likely become the common denominator at the root of almost any future problem.
After every mistake, one simple question will be asked: "Were they trained?"
This seminar is 4 hours and is an excellent compliment to "Fundamental Body Language."